Gail Thackray/ Harrisis quite a newcomer on the New Age/pseudo faith healing stage. Butshe certainly has made up for lost time. Seeming to utilize the manipulative skills and questionable self marketing talents acquired in the porn industry, she now appears to be planning to expand her money making enterprises to the ever lucrative 'spiritual marketplace'. Firstly, we believe, foisting herself off as a pet psychic, animal communicator, clairvoyant medium and new fangled know-it-all of the spiritual world. Then, meretriciously promoting faith healer john of god in Brazil and, of course, herself, as a spiritual medium and 'Daughter of the Casa'. Now, the rest of the story......
Brought to light in previous posts, Gail Thackray using the name Gail Harrishad a long and dubious career frolicking in the adult[ porn] industry. Back then, as shown, she had performed repeatedly in front of the camera and posed nude in numerous ways and sexual positions for I suppose, men's gratification ( yuck!!!)
Her many 'layouts' were shown in various 'men's magazines[porn] and videos, and still continue to be posted today
Then, Gail Thackray/Harris went into the business of porn peddling and her associations with porn master Larry Flynt of Hustler magazine. She allegedly both produced, bought or otherwise 'acquired' porn photos of young women for sale to porn magazines and layouts through her many porn businesses, including Falcon Fotos, Falcon Enterprises and Naked Rhino.
A simple google search of Gail Thackray/ Gail Harris name will yield all her smut dealings.Gail Thackray’s life inpornography. From model to her associations with porn master Larry Flynt of Hustler magazine. She reportedly both produced, bought or otherwise ‘acquired’ porn photos of young women for sale to porn magazines and layouts through her many porn businesses, including Falcon Fotos, Falcon Enterprises and Naked Rhino.
In 1988, GT/Harris created the first niche magazine, Barely Legal, for Larry Flynt Publications[ Hustler Magazine]; it became one of Flynt's best-selling titles. She followed that up with the first amateur magazine, Hometown Girls.She also went to producing X rated porn videos. In an interview for YNOT NEWS published May 15, 2003, GT/ Harris states : " Yes, we were the first to shoot a granny[ grandmothers, ewww!!] and the first to create an entire magazine devoted to young girls. We created Hustler’s Barely Legal, Hometown Girls and Virgins magazines. We also take videos of many of the girls we shoot for Barely Legal, Busty Beauties, Hometown Girls, 40+, Plumpers and the other magazines. Now we’re having a blast shooting reality videos....gettingthem offand making them laugh at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gail Thackray, Larry Flynt, Hustler Magazine, Barely Legal
I trust the title and questionable subject matter of 'Barely Legal', suggesting sex with children, does not escape your notice. The connection between this kind of pornographic content which GT herself claims to have created and established and sexual deviancy and crime cannot be overstressed. Various groups, including American Psychology Association and the US Justice Dept have investigated and now contend that there may be a link between this kind of porn and sexual deviancy and crime. The Department of Justice .
"the "Chester the Molester" comic strip, was arrested in May of 1989 for allegedly molesting a teenage girl for several years. Tinsley is employed by LSP Inc., the parent company of Hustler magazine.
John of God’s most famous guide and promoter, Gail Thackray made millions of dollars in SMUT, according to:
A Chicago Tribune article by Paul Pringle on pornography, reports that “Gail Harris [Gail Thackray]sits on a gold mine of dirty pictures. She claims to own 1.3 million of them, one of the worlds largest inventories of smut.”Gail Thackray proudly boasts “… my library is worth a fortune–$25 million to $50 million,” said the 34-year-old Englishwoman, a former pinup herself. ”
Is this the 'spiritual' world in which Gail Thackray/Harris set the intention to enter? We would like to ask why has she sought out this sordid environment and associations in the world of hard core sex and pornography, like Larry Flynt and Hustler Magazine? And more to the point , why has she also personally contributed to making pornography more sickening and deplorable? GT praises herself as the creator and implementer of sexual fetish/niche porn magazines and videos, such as Barely Legal, Hometown Girls and many others. In conclusion, there is too much information to list here on the detrimental effects of this kind of porn towards society, especially women and children. I, for one, am totally dismayed and disgusted by what was apparently discovered here beneath the seemingly soulful personality, charm and appearance of Gail Thackray/Harris. And also saddened by the deception. How easy it is for some to fool others for profit. I am reminded of Matthew: "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."
Gail Thackray's Spiritual Final Jeopardy;
What does The Pope, Larry Flynt, Hustler Magazine and Brazilian faith healer 'John of God' all have in common????
A Chicago Tribune article by Paul Pringle on pornography, reports that "Gail Harris [ Gail Thackray] sits on a gold mine of dirty pictures. She claims to own 1.3 million of them, one of the worlds largest inventories of smut."
Gail Thackray proudly boasts "... my library is worth a fortune--$25 million to $50 million," said the 34-year-old Englishwoman, a former pinup herself. "
Gail Thackray [GT] seems to be a newcomer to john of god's 'traveling medicine show'and a most recent addition to his "Daughters of the Casa". But she has certainly made up for the lost time. In just these last few years GT has virtually exploded on the spiritist/new age scene. She can be seen and heard everywhere expounding the supposed necromantic beliefs, practices and money making schemes of these pseudo spiritual /faith healing/new age side shows.
At first glance, throughout the many promotional videos/ info-commercials for JOG, one cannot help but notice that Ms Thackray is a physically attractive, vivacious and charismatic woman. I am told her feminine qualities and appearance appeals to a certain common type of man. But, what I noticed right away was that she wasn't one of your run of the mill JOG groupie. Her skill of posing and gesturing in front of the camera, her talent acting and reading her lines. The high quality of the film productions with various shooting angle, lighting, editing and a soundtrack! That was way professional!!..And that costs a lot of MONEY!! I was intrigued to who this person was with such acting talent and where she came from. Little did I realize what a bombshell was about to fall. And what certainly seems to be lurking beneath this facade of new age spirituality.
In the initial searches of GT, I visited the numerous sites and videos described above dealing with her so called spiritual journeys. Then, when I was about to quit my searching, I came across quite by accident a ratherobscure photofrom a British newspaper featuring GT posing nude. Could this be the same woman?
Searching the name Gail Thackay/ Harris [GT] yielded many very bizarre and shocking results, from nude posings in magazines to hard core erotic photos and videos to graphic crotch shot layouts and sexual fetishes down to the sordid world of pornography, and much more! GT certainly seems to have done it ALL!
We believe GT describes her desire to make money any way, any how by pornography with two quotes from an interview in XBIZ, a porn industry review magazine. " I use everything I have; I'm not afraid to use my femininity' and "I was always very entrepreneurial," Harristold XBIZ"It's something I was born with.." Indeed, ENTRPRENEURIAL, that explains a lot!
But, Oh, there is more! Much more. Not only had GT entered this questionable world , but she apparently is/was a major accomplice in it. By allegedly claiming to make, distribute and of course SELL pornography, GT is reportedly making millions exploiting the perverse and earthly sexual fixations of pubescent males. Meanwhile seeming to some to act hypocritically as a very devout and spiritual person in direct contact with God/The Divine/The Entities/The Source. But who knows what lurks in the hearts of men.... and women!...Check the sites and numerous nude photos listed and let YOUR SPIRIT decide..
X Rated Porn Czarina promotes Brazilian Miracle Man